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On our front page this week

  • BLM will hold meeting here on March 27th on Draft EIS for new pipelines and loading terminal

By Myrna Trauntvein
Times-News Correspondent

There will be a public meeting, hosted by the Bureau of Land Management, at Juab High School on Tuesday, March 27, at 7 p.m.

The meeting will be held to take comment concerning the environmental impact the Williams Pipeline Project may have on the area.

A terminal, consisting of tanks and loading racks for trucks, is planed for construction near Interstate highways in Nephi. Construction on the site is planned for 2002. Also the Kern River and Questar natural gas pipelines will be addressed.

"The proposal is to convert an existing 220-mile 10- and 12-inch diameter natural gas liquids pipeline that extends from Bloomfield, New Mexico, to the vicinity of Crescent Junction," said Wm. Boyd Howarth, commission chair.

"A new section of 12-inch diameter pipeline would be constructed from Crescent Junction to the vicinity of North Salt Lake City," he said. "At Nephi, the location they are proposing for the terminal will be south of the new public safety building."

The location would provide the trucks traveling to and from the facility to access SR 28 for a short distance, less than one mile, directly to the Interstate 15 off and on ramps in south Nephi.

"This is a much better site than the one Williams proposed the first time," said Howarth.

That site, located near Mona, met with a public outcry. The protest centered around the several mile distance from the freeway system over country roads used by school buses to pick-up and deliver school children.

Also a bone of contention was the wet-lands status of the proposed site. It was located near Burraston Ponds, naturally occurring underground fed ponds. The site is a popular fishing and camping haven.

The new site is better situated, said Howarth, since it is near the county jail, a gravel pit, and the south-Nephi freeway entrance businesses, rather than being located in a residential/farming area.

"This is a much better location than the first proposal," he said.

The draft environmental impact statement is now complete and is ready for comment.

It analyzes impacts of the three pipeline proposals (the Nephi site is part of one of the three) based on the Plans of Development (POD's) received from the three proponents. Those are proposals by Williams, Questar, and Kern River.

The draft impact statement also analyzes a proposal to amend one or more forest plans to accommodate the proposals. Alternatives consist of two major (30 miles or longer) route alternatives and two short (5 miles or less) route variations, in addition to the no action alternative.

The draft EIS also addresses issues and concerns which were raised during public scoping meetings.

In addition to the public meetings which have been set, written comments can be mailed, from now until April 16, 2001, to the Bureau of Land Management, LaVerne Steah, Project Manager, P.O. Box 45155, Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0155 or through the project web site at www.qwk-eis.org.

A public meeting will also be held in Payson City Hall, March 28, at 7 p.m.

In all, public meetings have been planned for seven different sites in Utah.

"The DEIS evaluates the granting of rights-of-way to Questar Pipeline Company and Kern River Gas Transmission Company, to construct, operate and maintain natural gas pipelines and to Williams Pipelines company for a petroleum products pipeline on Federal lands administered by the BLM and the US Forest Service," Howarth said.

Those who are interested in reviewing the DEIS prior to the meeting should contact Steah or the BLM or visit one of the web sites.