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On our front page this week

  • Levan Irrigation Company discusses future of concrete structure in Chicken Creek

By Rebecca Dopp
Times-News Correspondent

On Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2002, Golden Mangelson, president of the Levan Irrigation Company, met with Forest Service officials Tom Shore, District Ranger from Ephraim, and Leland Matheson, Special Uses for the north end of the forest, to discuss the future of a concrete structure in Chicken Creek Canyon. This structure has been in the canyon since 1985. It was built by the city in conjunction with the Forest Service to control erosion and divert flood waters after the 1983-84 floods Levan City and the irrigation company had hopes that this structure would help with future water supply. However, that never came to pass due to subsequent years of drought.

A permit issued by the Forest Service has expired and the organization sent a renewal permit to Levan Irrigation Company. This is a 20-year permit that would expire Dec. 31, 2022. The company changed the wording in one of the clauses and the Forest Service denied renewing the permit stating that neither the irrigation company nor the Forest Service could change the wording.

The irrigation company would like to develop the springs located above the structure. Mr. Shore responded by saying that he didn't feel the springs would produce a sufficient supply of water for the town. Mr. Matheson informed Mr. Mangelson that in order to develop the springs the irrigation company would have to apply for permits, have environmental impact studies done, and have at least one field season to study impacts. A hydrologist would be needed to overlook the instream flow if the structure were to be used as a diversion. Mr. Shore did not have any answers to the town's and irrigation company's long-term plans. He stated that they could put in applications and go from there.

In the end, the Forest Service left an unedited permit with Mr. Mangelson. The irrigation company can choose to sign the permit or decide what to do with the structure. The question of taking the structure out was addressed by the town council and Mr. Mangelson. No action was taken at this meeting. Further discussion is expected.